Happy Birthday Simulator (VR)

Happy Birthday Simulator, Oct 2023, Virtual Reality Game
"Happy Birthday Simulator" is a VR game that tackles loneliness and social isolation, offering adults a nostalgic journey back to the joy of childhood birthday parties. Set in a cartoonish studio apartment, the game lets players invite virtual friends, unwrap gifts, place candles, and share cake in an immersive environment. This idea emerged from reflections on how adult birthdays often lose the excitement and social vibrancy of youth. At the beginning, Players can choose items that resonate with their own lives, strengthening the connection between themselves and their in-game avatar.
At its heart, the game addresses the psychology of loneliness and the universal need for social connection, especially relevant in today's socially isolated world. By reliving the simplicity of a childhood birthday, the game sparks deeper conversations about the changing nature of social bonds as we age. Also, Transforming the birthday party into a concept, the game offers a unique way to reflect on the rituals and meanings behind birthday celebrations.

Program in Unity

Task Board Design
Complete the tasks on the task board related to the ritual of the birthday party in an immersive VR environment, enjoy the process of the birthday party, and encourage the player to reflect on the form and explore the emotions within the playthrough

VR Birthday Workflow
1. Starting the Game:
Players begin by selecting a personally significant item on the title page, which leads them to a corresponding birthday party environment.

2. First Task - Call Friends
Players use a telephone to invite friends. The phone's cooldown follows an arithmetic progression designed to manage the number of friends and maintain game balance.
3. Second Task - Interacting with Friends
Upon friends' arrival, players can interact with them and receive gift boxes containing random items.

4. Third Task - Placing the Candle
Here comes the most exciting part, players place a candle on the birthday cake, leading to a celebratory moment with friends singing and dancing.
5. Final Task - Distributing Cake
The final task involves sharing cake slices with friends. The number of the slices = the number of friends + 1. Each friend and the player can eat at most one slice of cake. After the friends finish eating, they will leave the player's apartment.

5. Final Task - Distributing Cake
The final task involves sharing cake slices with friends.
The number of the slices = the number of friends + 1.
Each friend and the player can eat at most one slice of cake. After the friends finish eating, they will leave the player's apartment.